About Greenman House

Many of the ideas in Greenman House hearken back to the Enlightenment, a time that significantly changes the course of human development.  The underlying Humanist philosophy of the Enlightenment, with its emphasis on individual liberty and responsibility is under tremendous pressure today from both the left and the right.  

The purpose of Greenman House is to provide resources and ideas to promote the concept of a sustainable republic based on the twin concepts of liberty and individual responsibility. These two concepts must based on another set of twin concepts: cohesion and compassionate care for those who cannot care for themselves. Government must balance to potentially corrosive effects of coercive power with the power needed to sustain an orderly society that prospers with freedom and prosperity.

The founders o the Republic tried to strike this balance with the Constitution and the first ten amendments (the Bill of Rights). Over years, however, various amendments have altered the balance as the central  government amassed power at the expense of states and individuals, in spite of the 9th and 10th Amendments.

Greenman House seeks ways to reassert the original balance in the Constitution, understanding dynamics of modern society.

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