DOGE: Transparency and Truth
Abstract: The US government has been the rope in a tug of war since the Declaration of Independence. Some of these contests were benign and other, like the Civil War, were lethal. DOGE is the wild card in today’s tug of war with a rope soaked in kerosene over a bonfire stoked by powerful meme bellows. On the surface, it seeks to reform government and make it more efficient. Yet, as noted in DOGE: Transparency vs Secrecy; Thieftaking vs Investigation, Musk may be getting his own rewards. There are constant reports that he’s corrupt and using DOGE for his own ends. Is that the truth? Beats me, and that…
DOGE: Transparency vs Secrecy; Thieftaking vs Investigation
Abstract: Is DOGE a thief, a thieftaker (modern usage: bounty hunter) or a diversion? With all the contradictory reports and poor information, it is hard to tell what they are. Both judicial review and thieftaking are rooted in English Common…
DOGE: Change Agent or Wrecking Ball?
Abstract: In Mythology, Literature, and Mind Mapping, I discussed the power of myth in mind mapping since it is foundational to western literature. Myths and fairy tales also provide a powerful of symbols and keys that resonate throughout a culture.…
DOGE: How we Arrived at this Point
Abstract: A series of critical inflection points led us to the point where we currently are with a strong central government with several corrupt and potentially criminal acts. If it was not the federal government, elements of the central government…
DOGE: Efficiency vs. Effectiveness
Abstract: The “E” in DOGE stands for Efficiency. I think that is the wrong “E”. It should be effectiveness. Efficiency means we do things with the lowest resources as possible to achieve the desired outcome. We can be hyper-efficient and…
DOGE and Program Review and Assessment
Abstract: DOGE appears to be taking a short-term approach to change. Audits are rearward looking and point-in-time. While important, they will not systematically change the federal government. DOGE must be transparent and work with all stakeholders and other government agencies…
Part 4: Policy Development
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity,…
Mythology, Literature, and Mind Mapping
I keep a statue similar to this one on my desk. I keep it not because I think Odin was a deity and worship him, but because of the symbolism in the statue. It is Odin and his two ravens,…
Key Events and People Driving the American Revolution
This short piece fills in the gaps tradition education, even when it teaches the founding of the American Republic, leaves out the buildup to the revolution. It is important because the revolution is based on the cultural and philosophical concepts…
Educating Citizens versus Sheep, Part 8: Path Dependency and Punctuated Equilibriums in Scenario Design
Part 7, in the cognitive load portion of Learning Objectives (LO) discussed stretch learning in the form of the germane cognitive load. Effective germane cognitive loads built into LOs drives learning. Not to delve too deeply into neuroscience, but simplistically,…
Educating Citizens versus Sheep, Part 7: Learning Objectives
Part 6 of this series noted the Scenario-Based Learning (SBL) was the driver for the serious game’s car. If that is the case, Learning Objectives (LO) are the roadmap the driver uses to navigate. The figure shows how we effectively…