Our Atavistic Fears
When I sit in my garden office, I often smile at the squirrels, rabbits, and birds as they move about eating and socializing. But on the times that I see the local black snake, I cringe a bit. Now,…
Trump Assassination Attempt and the Golden Spike
In Part 4 of the Operant Conditioning series, I used the golden sike that united the trans-continental railroad: Why do we need to do this? Because we have lost the art of constructive debate. Both sides rely on far more…
Operant Conditioning, Path Dependency and Societal Revolution, Part 4
This is the last part in a four-part series. Part 1 discussed the principles of Operant Conditioning and Path Dependency. Part 2 looked at what happens when philosophy and religion are blocked or obscured in a culture and the vacuum…
Part 5—Cutting the Puppet Masters’ Strings
Abstract: Critical thinking and mindfulness are the two-fold path to citizen resiliency and independence from media induced memes. “A lie doesn’t become truth, wrong doesn’t become right and evil doesn’t become good just because it’s accepted by a majority.” —…