DOGE: Transparency and Truth
Abstract: The US government has been the rope in a tug of war since the Declaration of Independence. Some of these contests were benign and other, like the Civil War, were lethal. DOGE is the wild card in today’s…
DOGE: Transparency vs Secrecy; Thieftaking vs Investigation
Abstract: Is DOGE a thief, a thieftaker (modern usage: bounty hunter) or a diversion? With all the contradictory reports and poor information, it is hard to tell what they are. Both judicial review and thieftaking are rooted in English Common…
DOGE: Change Agent or Wrecking Ball?
Abstract: In Mythology, Literature, and Mind Mapping, I discussed the power of myth in mind mapping since it is foundational to western literature. Myths and fairy tales also provide a powerful of symbols and keys that resonate throughout a culture.…
DOGE: How we Arrived at this Point
Abstract: A series of critical inflection points led us to the point where we currently are with a strong central government with several corrupt and potentially criminal acts. If it was not the federal government, elements of the central government…
DOGE: Efficiency vs. Effectiveness
Abstract: The “E” in DOGE stands for Efficiency. I think that is the wrong “E”. It should be effectiveness. Efficiency means we do things with the lowest resources as possible to achieve the desired outcome. We can be hyper-efficient and…
DOGE and Program Review and Assessment
Abstract: DOGE appears to be taking a short-term approach to change. Audits are rearward looking and point-in-time. While important, they will not systematically change the federal government. DOGE must be transparent and work with all stakeholders and other government agencies…