DOGE: Transparency and Truth
Abstract: The US government has been the rope in a tug of war since the Declaration of Independence. Some of these contests were benign and other, like the Civil War, were lethal. DOGE is the wild card in today’s…
Truth is the First Casualty of…Unchecked Power
Three years after the US’s catastrophic run from Afghanistan, most Americans have no clue what happened. No one has stood up and taken responsibility. Five years after the killings that triggered Black Lives Matter (BLM) most Americans do not really…
Part 1-Citizen Resiliency in a Republic
Truth Is the First Casualty in War “God is not averse to deceit in a just cause.” Aeschylus “Truth is not the first casualty of war alone: it is the first casualty of populism “ Theodore Dalrymple “Truth is…