Operant Conditioning, Path Dependency and Societal Revolution, Part 4
This is the last part in a four-part series. Part 1 discussed the principles of Operant Conditioning and Path Dependency. Part 2 looked at what happens when philosophy and religion are blocked or obscured in a culture and the vacuum…
Corporatism Part 2: The Web of Influence and Power
The Symbiosis of Power and Influence “The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.” Plato Part 1 developed the concept of a web of influence and power, as shown in…
Corporatism Part 1: Overview
This white paper lays out the foundation for a series of research papers on corporatism, influence, and its effects on the health and welfare of the Republic. The paper first lays out the complexities of corporatism and the vagaries of…
Defending The Republic, Part 1: Scenarios
Over the last year, I’ve been thinking, researching, and writing (Corporatism Part 1, Part 2; Thoughts on Ukraine, Part 7: The Joint Corporatist Scenario, among others) a lot about corporatism. I’ve been searching for a reason why corporations are doing…
Do Not Dig Two Graves
Confucius was a pretty smart guy. His comment on revenge is spot on. We see it playing out now with the social justice movement. For many in Black Lives Matter (BLM) and other social justice organizations, the social justice movement…
Education Reform
Abstract: Education reform requires an integrated approach at the national, state, and local levels. A national clearing house can help develop campaigns, themes/messages, and educational packages and advertisements. Yet all this is for naught if we do not change…
Teachers’ Unions and Critical Theories
The teachers’ unions, the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) and the National Education Association (NEA) did not always support Critical Race Theory (CRT). It took several punctured equilibriums to make that happen. But they do now with a vengeance. 2015…
A Solutions-based Approach to Social Justice
The glowing horseshoe in the figure above is at the optimal point Matt Haig discusses in How to Stop Time. This optimal point exists in many things. Not enough of the independent variable and the dependent variable is not maximized.…
Virginia Board of Education: Transgender Policy
This blog builds on Critical Thinking and Policy Development and Analysis, Critical Thinking: Logic and Rationality, Critical Thinking: An Introduction to Key Components and Dimensions, Critical Thinking: Bounded Rationality and Time, Critical Thinking: Credence and Veracity, and A Solutions-Based Approach…
Critical Thinking and Policy: The Wars on Drugs and Poverty
In an effective government, the first rule of policy is to set goals and the implementing processes to accomplish them. Politicians and the bureaucracy, however, run the government. The first rule of politicians is to get re-elected. The first rule…