Culture and Strategy: A Match not a Competition
“Culture eats strategy for breakfast.” – various, possibly Peter Drucker. “It must be considered that there is nothing more difficult to carry out nor more doubtful of success nor more dangerous to handle than to initiate a new order of…
Politics, Politicians, and Accountability
There are currently 10 members of the House of Representatives, over 80. Eight are Democrats and two are Republicans. Historically, 64 were in Congress 40 years or longer. Most of these are/were Democrats as well. Five Senators are over…
Real Reform, Part 2: The Allosaurus in the Room
Source: mrwynd from Denver, USA/Wikimedia Commons/CC BY 2.0 “Absolute power does not corrupt absolutely, absolute power attracts the corruptible.” ― Frank Herbert This post picks up from Real Reform, Part1: Introduction. It addresses the Allosaurus in the room: Congress.…
Corporatism Part 2: The Web of Influence and Power
The Symbiosis of Power and Influence “The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.” Plato Part 1 developed the concept of a web of influence and power, as shown in…
Reconstructing History, Part 3: Social Justice Movements
There is clearly merit in some arguments of social justice warriors (SJW). American has a racist past. Plessy v. Ferguson in 1896 was a dark stain on American liberty and freedom. But at least since Brown v. Board of Education…
Using the Education Institution to Create History, Part 1: Introduction
The destruction and rebuilding of American history is not an act of eminent domain. However, usurpation of power and control has similar attributes. As a reasonably well-educated student, I had read and studied the statement that the victors write history.…
Part 1: Political Movements—Maskirovka and Words Hide Meanings
Abstract: Do words and terms matter? Can political groups hide their agendas in nice sound bites in a game of maskirovka? Maskirovka 2.0 is a continuation of the old military approach, to which we must add new whole of-government tools,…
Operant Conditioning, Path Dependency and Societal Revolution, Part 2
As in Part 1 of this series, first a disclaimer. I am of the philosophical line in the discussion below. I think we should teach and be models of virtue because it is right and good and not because…
Communism’s Dirty Secret (and Capitalism’s and Democracy’s as Well)
Communism is a utopian philosophy, summed up by the quote from Karl Marx in the figure above. Communism’s secret is that it requires virtue to implement. Its dirty secret is that communism does not teach, induce, or want virtue.…
Politics, Politicians, and Demonic Possession
“One of the artifices of Satan is, to induce men to believe that he does not exist: another, perhaps equally fatal, is to make them fancy that he is obliged to stand quietly by, and not to meddle with…