The E in DIE
Social justice groups use the figure above as a meme to show the DIE (Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity) movement to illustrate equity. If all we are discussing is these three people, then it may make some sense. But there is…
Truth is the First Casualty of…Unchecked Power
Three years after the US’s catastrophic run from Afghanistan, most Americans have no clue what happened. No one has stood up and taken responsibility. Five years after the killings that triggered Black Lives Matter (BLM) most Americans do not really…
The Tragedy of the Commons: Wicked Logic
In The Tragedy of the Commons: Rational Actors, I discussed linear vs. spiral logic. I suggested that western logic tended to be more linear and Islamic and other cultures, perhaps more spiral. But that is a generalization based on today’s…
The Tragedy of the Commons: The Political Commons
I first came across the problem (tragedy) of the commons in a political science course in grad school. We read a remarkable work by Elinor Ostrom about the problem. Her work both resonated with me and left me looking for…
The Tragedy of the Commons: Rational Actor
This is a follow on to Tragedy of the Commons: The Political Commons. It specifically looks at the rationality implied in Ostrom’s 8 points and the Rational Actor/Choice, Game, and Agency theories. What happens if the rational hypothesis fails…
Social Justice and the Free-Rider Problem
Lead image Source: This blog picks up on prior entries on the tragedy of the commons, rational actors, regulatory capture, and rent-seeking. For reference, see these blogs: The Tragedy of the Commons: The Political Commons The Tragedy of…
Can a Free Republic be a Superpower: Part 4 Toxic Debt
Toxic Debt threatens not only the ability to be a superpower, but our entire way of life. When I was in Bosnia right after the 911 attacks, many of our soldiers said this could never happen in the US. I…
Can a Republic be a Superpower Part 3: Operational Security, Transparency, and Security
When I looked at the question, Can a Free Republic be a Superpower?, the conflict between transparency and security troubled me. I set the series aside for a bit and was reminded of it when I wrote a post…
Can a Free Republic be a Superpower: Part 2b: Superpower or Sleeping Giant?
Potential Energy (source Japanese Admiral Yamamoto reportedly said, “I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve.” after WWII. The US quickly mobilized society and all elements of…
Part 3a – Cognitive 101
Part 3a – Cognitive 101 This is a long, technical piece to provide some background on cognitive issues discussed in the series. It skims the surface of many key issues but provides an extensive bibliography for even more in-depth research…