Operant Conditioning, Path Dependency and Societal Revolution, Part 3
Source: Discovering Neptune
So how do dark philosophers (see Part 2) propagate the dark gospel and create the changes they seek? On the surface, if we only look at the racial aspects, we may reach some misleading and even harmful conclusions. Are Black Lives Matter (BLM), 1619 and the whole Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity (DIE) are just tools and potentially smokescreens, a Maskirovka, to mis-direct attention to take citizen’s attention away from the true objectives?
I do not know whether synchronicity exists. But I find it interesting that I just saw an episode of the TV program Numbers that discussed analyzing actions and events to infer a hidden cause. Was this just a coincidence or was it the universe sending a message? Beats me, but the timing was interesting.
One example they used was discovering Neptune based upon a mathematical analysis of the planets. Urbain Le Verrier calculated the predicted position of Neptune and John Couch Adams, who independently calculated the position of Neptune, are shown in the opening figure.
I suspect we can do something similar with the dark gospel.
Rather than think in terms of planets, actions and events, a better terminology is vector. Besides the mathematical concept of vector, it also means causes of disease in epidemiology. The table below is a grouping of some of these vectors. It is like Le Verrier’s and Adams’s analyzes on steroids. Each vector has one or more dimensions that are variables in quantitative analysis. In addition, time takes on a dimension of its own across the vectors. Time in this analysis is far more complex and varied than in the Neptune. With Neptune, time was simply a function of measurement. In this analysis, it is a dimension of its own and can be a part of a measurement or a measurement of its own.
As we start this process, perhaps we should also keep in mind what a free republic needs: an educated and informed electorate that engages in critical thinking that makes decisions that reinforce and nourish liberty and prosperity.
Vector | Description (If) | Effect (Then) |
Diffused responsibility |
Culture |
Lawfare |
Merit |
Crime |
Economics |
The actual analysis is relatively straightforward, and analysts can use R or Python for it. The real trick is identifying and gathering the data. We need to establish dimensions for each vector and weight them to build a true research plan. But we can start with a hypothesis that will help govern data gathering and analysis.
Hypothesis: The vectors indicate a deliberate effort to create a large, powerful corporatist state that limits liberty and seeks to control the populace rather than help it prosper and grow the republic.