Coexist Part 4: Hamas case Study
This part four of the Coexist series. It explores the Hamas case study introduced in Part 1. It builds on the analysis in Part 2 and Part 3. Why do so many of the social justice groups that seem to…
Why do we act in other than our self-interest? Is the rational actor/choice theory valid?
Over a few blog entries (see the Defending the Republic series), I have wondered why people who do not seem to benefit from social justice efforts support and endorse them. Why would a white male push an agenda designed…
Do Not Dig Two Graves
Confucius was a pretty smart guy. His comment on revenge is spot on. We see it playing out now with the social justice movement. For many in Black Lives Matter (BLM) and other social justice organizations, the social justice movement…
A Solutions-based Approach to Social Justice
The glowing horseshoe in the figure above is at the optimal point Matt Haig discusses in How to Stop Time. This optimal point exists in many things. Not enough of the independent variable and the dependent variable is not maximized.…
Part 1: Political Movements—Maskirovka and Words Hide Meanings
Abstract: Do words and terms matter? Can political groups hide their agendas in nice sound bites in a game of maskirovka? Maskirovka 2.0 is a continuation of the old military approach, to which we must add new whole of-government tools,…