Teachers’ Unions and Critical Theories
The teachers’ unions, the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) and the National Education Association (NEA) did not always support Critical Race Theory (CRT). It took several punctured equilibriums to make that happen. But they do now with a vengeance. 2015…
Reconstructing History, Part 5: The Education Institution and Creating History
Before we get too far into this discussion, let us look at the concept of “institution”. From an academic perspective, Ostrom and North provide two complementary definitions. Elinor Ostrom, in her path-breaking book, Governing the Commons: The Evolution of…
Using the Education Institution to Create History, Part 1: Introduction
The destruction and rebuilding of American history is not an act of eminent domain. However, usurpation of power and control has similar attributes. As a reasonably well-educated student, I had read and studied the statement that the victors write history.…